RM Analyzer Help

File > Import TCL Project Data

Import of project data from TCL-Script (*.tcl) files into the current project database.

(For TCL-Syntax refer to the TCL-Guide and the TCL-Syntax, accessed via the Onlinehelp-button in the main command tool bar of RmBridge).

TCL File The TCL-File (*.tcl) is selected with the arrow next to the textbox or entered directly in the input field.
Option: Import GP Model The data of the RmBridge Modeler (GP) are stored in a separate TCL-File. If the option is selected,  the program will create the Modeler database in addition to the RmBridge database if the name of the Modeler-TCL corresponds to the standard name convention as created per default in the export function.
New Project The project database is initialized and then TCL-Script read and the new database created. This new project contains only the data of the imported Tcl file(s).
Add to project The TCL-Script is read without prior initialization of the project. Definitions of the TCL-Script are either appended or overwrite parts of the existing project in case of identical names or numbers.
Cancel Terminates the import function without importing anything.